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  1. 13pa -- Accidents and fatalities in water traffic by type of shipping and water area, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 17493 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Type of shipping: Merchant shipping, Recreational boating, Other commercial water traffic, (3)
    3. Water area: Total, Finnish marine area, ..Gulf of Bothnia, ..Finnish Archipelago Sea, ..., Foreign waters (14)
    4. Information: Number of water traffic accidents, Number of fatal water traffic accidents, Number of fatalities in water traffic accidents, (3)

  2. 13pb -- Accidents and fatalities in water traffic by type of shipping and water area per month, 2013M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Size: 103326 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M12* (144)
    2. Type of shipping: Merchant shipping, Recreational boating, Other commercial water traffic, (3)
    3. Water area: Total, Finnish marine area, ..Gulf of Bothnia, ..Finnish Archipelago Sea, ..., Foreign waters (14)
    4. Information: Number of water traffic accidents, Number of fatal water traffic accidents, Number of fatalities in water traffic accidents, (3)

  3. 13pc -- Accidents and fatalities in recreational boating by type and causal factors of the accident, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 251293 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Type of accident: Total, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other accident (13)
    3. Environmental factor: Total, No known environmental factors, Weather conditions, Ice conditions, (4)
    4. Technical failure: Total, No known technical failures, Vessel structural failure, Technical failure in steering gear or propulsion machinery, (4)
    5. Human factor: Total, No known human factors, Human error, Maintenance negligence or running out of fuel, ..., Vandalism (7)
    6. Information: Number of recreational boating accidents, Number of fatal recreational boating accidents, Number of fatalities in recreational boating accidents, (3)

  4. 13pe -- Accidents and fatalities in recreational boating by type of accident per month, 2013M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Size: 46204 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M12* (144)
    2. Type of accident: Total, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other accident (13)
    3. Information: Number of recreational boating accidents, Number of fatal recreational boating accidents, Number of fatalities in recreational boating accidents, (3)

  5. 13pf -- Fatalities in recreational boating accidents by sex and age group, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 8476 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 5-14, 15-24, 25-34, ..., 75- (9)
    4. Information: Number of fatalities in recreational boating accidents, (1)

  6. 13pg -- Fatalities in recreational boating accidents by sex and age group per month, 2013M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Size: 42338 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M12* (144)
    2. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 5-14, 15-24, 25-34, ..., 75- (9)
    4. Information: Number of fatalities in recreational boating accidents, (1)

  7. 13ph -- Vessels involved in recreational boating accidents by type of accident, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 23690 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Type of vessel: Total, Motor boat, Sailing boat, Rowing boat, skiff, ..., Other pleasure boat (10)
    3. Type of accident: Total, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other accident (13)
    4. Information: Vessels involved in recreational boating accidents, Vessels involved in fatal recreational boating accidents, (2)

  8. 13pi -- Vessels involved in recreational boating accidents by type of accident per month, 2013M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Size: 194252 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M12* (144)
    2. Type of vessel: Total, Motor boat, Sailing boat, Rowing boat, skiff, ..., Other pleasure boat (10)
    3. Type of accident: Total, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other accident (13)
    4. Information: Vessels involved in recreational boating accidents, Vessels involved in fatal recreational boating accidents, (2)

  9. 13pk -- Accidents and fatalities in recreational boating by day of the week and time of day, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 18886 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Veckodag: Days of the week in total, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ..., Sunday (8)
    3. Time of day: Total, 00:00 - 02:59, 03:00 - 05:59, 06:00 - 08:59, ..., 21:00 - 23:59 (9)
    4. Information: Number of recreational boating accidents, Number of fatal recreational boating accidents, Number of fatalities in recreational boating accidents, (3)

  10. 13pl -- Accidents and fatalities in recreational boating by region, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 11532 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, Satakunta, ..., Foreign countries (21)
    3. Information: Number of recreational boating accidents, Number of fatal recreational boating accidents, Number of fatalities in recreational boating accidents, (3)

  11. 13pn -- Accidents in merchant shipping by type and presumed cause of the accident, 2011-2023

    Select part: Size: 13398 Modified: 20240328 08.00

    1. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2023 (13)
    2. Type of accident: All accidents, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other (10)
    3. Estimated cause of the accident: Total, Human error, unsafe act, Environment, Technical failure of machine/equipment, ..., Failure in aid to navigation (8)
    4. Information: Number of accidents in merchant shipping, (1)

  12. 13pq -- Vessels involved in merchant shipping accidents by type of vessel and accident, 2011-2023

    Select part: Size: 23271 Modified: 20240328 08.00

    1. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2023 (13)
    2. Type of vessel: Total, Dry bulk carrier, Bulk carrier, Container ship, ..., Barge (20)
    3. Type of accident: All accidents, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other (10)
    4. Information: Vessels involved in merchant shipping accidents, (1)

  13. 13pr -- Incidents in merchant shipping by likely consequence and presumed cause of the incident, 2018-2023

    Select part: Size: 10329 Modified: 20240328 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Likely consequence: All accidents, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other (10)
    3. Estimated cause of the incident: Total, Human error, unsafe act, Environment, Technical failure of machine/equipment, ..., Failure in aid to navigation (8)
    4. Information: Number of incidents in merchant shipping, (1)

  14. 13ps -- Vessels involved in merchant shipping incidents by type of vessel and likely consequence of the incident, 2018-2023

    Select part: Size: 14261 Modified: 20240328 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Type of vessel: Total, Dry bulk carrier, Bulk carrier, Container ship, ..., Barge (17)
    3. Likely consequence: All accidents, Capsizing, listing, Collision, Contact, ..., Other (10)
    4. Information: Vessels involved in merchant shipping incidents, (1)

  15. 13pt -- Fatal water traffic accidents to other vehicles by water area, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 9064 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Water area: Total, Finnish marine area, ..Gulf of Bothnia, ..Finnish Archipelago Sea, ..., ..Other inland waters - north (13)
    3. Information: Number of fatal water traffic accidents, Number of fatalities in water traffic accidents, (2)

  16. 13pu -- Fatal water traffic accidents to other vehicles by water area per month, 2013M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Size: 39818 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M12* (144)
    2. Water area: Total, Finnish marine area, ..Gulf of Bothnia, ..Finnish Archipelago Sea, ..., ..Other inland waters - north (13)
    3. Information: Number of fatal water traffic accidents, Number of fatalities in water traffic accidents, (2)

  17. 13pv -- Fatal water traffic accidents to other vehicles by type of vehicle, 2013-2024*

    Select part: Size: 7153 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024* (12)
    2. Type of vehicle: Total, Snowmobile, Quad bike, Tractor, ..., Bicycle (8)
    3. Information: Vehicles involved in water traffic accidents, (1)

  18. 13pw -- Fatal water traffic accidents to other vehicles by type of vehicle per month, 2013M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Size: 27133 Modified: 20250129 08.00

    1. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M12* (144)
    2. Type of vehicle: Total, Snowmobile, Quad bike, Tractor, ..., Bicycle (8)
    3. Information: Vehicles involved in water traffic accidents, (1)