Delivered driving licences by driver's licence class, by month in 2014-2024
Select part:
- Area: MA1 MAINLAND FINLAND, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Unknown (296)
- Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
- Age group: Age groups total, 15, 16, 17, ..., 90 - (21)
- Type of driving licence: All types of driving licence, Driving licence, Corresponding in category to provisional driving licence, Duplicate driving licence, (4)
- Driver's license class: All driving licences in total, Only driving licences for motorcycles (A1, A2 or A), Includes a right to drive a motorcycle (A1, A2 or A), Only driving licences for passenger cars and vans (B), ..., Driving licence for a tractor registered for road use (LT) (15)
- Month: 2014M01, 2014M02, 2014M03, 2014M04, ..., 2024M12 (132)